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Is Step Up right for your studio?

Step Up is unique from other competitions in Utah, because we are open only to small and rural studios. Step Up Studios fit into one of the three following classifications:

1. Recreational Classes: Studios without competitive programs love to bring their recreational classes to our competition. 

2. Small Competitive Teams: Studios with competitive teams training 1-3 hours per week and doing the majority of choreography in house will find plenty of fair competition here.

3. Growing Elite Competitive Programs: Studios whose dancers are training 4+ hours per week and have access to quality ballet training and some outside choreography. This may include club teams from pre-professional studios.*​


*Studios who fall into this classification should take special care when doing registration. If the choreography being presented is not heavily technique-focused, it is not an invitation to register down only to the technique performed in the routine. Instead, if the choreography is focused on stylized movement and artistry, please consider the technical ability of the dancers when selecting the level, and register them where the dancer/team is capable of completing those technical skills. This is usually a level above where the guidelines are written.




The Beginning category is for dancers and teams who are developing basic or beginning dance skills such as Chaines, Piques, Single Pirouettes, Straight Leg Leaps and other basic steps, performed at a novice or beginning level (not polished). 


NO double pirouettes

NO switch leaps

NO a la seconde/fouette turns

*No acro skills outside of handstands, somersaults, and cartwheels. No walkovers or back handsprings except for spotlight in team routines – max 3 dancers.

Beginning +

The Beginning + category is for dancers and teams who are doing beginning skills performed with polished technique, timing, artistry, and showmanship.

NO double pirouettes

NO switch leaps

NO a la seconde/fouette turns

*Tumbling Note (solos): 1 back handspring -or- 1 aerial allowed only, but not both. Walkovers are allowed.

*No team back handsprings or aerials. 3 - person spotlight only.

The Pre-Intermediate category is the bridge between beginning and intermediate dancers. Dancers have solid beginning technique and are experimenting with intermediate skills such as a la seconde turns, switch leaps, side leaps. 


Double pirouettes

A la seconde turns (4 total rotations – can be 3+1 or 2+2)

Basic switch leaps and switch arabesques (developing technique only)

Spot-changing chaines and piques

Leg hold turns - 1 rotation only.

Tilt Jumps

Renverse - developing technique

No Spotters
No Switch tilt
No Switch side leap
No Switch firebird
No Triple pirouette



The intermediate category is for dancers performing polished intermediate technique. Dancers may be experimenting with some advanced skills.


2-3 polished pirouettes - any style

Variety of leaps, including polished regular switch leaps and switch arabesque

Some advanced jumps with developing technique (switch tilt, switch side leap, switch firebird)

Polished a la seconde turns (6 total rotations maximum, including fouette/a la seconde and connected pirouettes)

Up to 2 rotation leg hold turns, any style

NO Quadruple pirouette

NO spot-changing a la seconde or fouette turn sequence

NO advanced jumps (raiz, 540)

If a dancer has multiple polished advanced jumps, register in advanced)


The Advanced category is open to all levels of technique. Dancers can perform any number and style of pirouettes, rotations of turn combinations, including spot-changing turns, and any type of leap performed with average technical skill. 


Dancers who have all advanced skills, polished technique, and a high level of artistry should register in the pro category where applicable.


This level is for dancers who are regularly competing on the convention circuit and/or are training 15+/- hours per week. 


Specific technical skills are not outlined for this category. However, dancer technique and artistry are evident through all movement and choreography. 

Dancers in this category are likely preparing for collegiate or professional dance opportunities. 

Pro dancers who have all advanced skills, polished technique, and a high level of artistry compared to other dancers in their age category.

*The Pro category will only be available at our Solo specific events, but we reserve the right to promote dancers or teams to this category during competition when applicable. 



Dancers and teams may register in the following categories. Step Up reserves the right to combine similar styles when necessary to create a competitive atmosphere.



Traditional jazz technique such as turns, leaps, and kicks. Not thematic.



Expressive dance movement combining elements of modern, jazz, and lyrical with abstract variations or performance.


Pom / Cheer

Routines may include elements or jazz or hip hop, tumbling, stunting, or any combination.



Partner-based choreography utilizing traditional ballroom styles (latin or standard).



Subcategory within jazz where the music, costume, and choreography embody a character. 


Hip Hop

Street dance styles primarily performed to hip-hop music or that have evolved as part of hip-hop culture.



Uses the sounds of tap shoes striking the floor as a form of percussion.



Choreography focused on highlighting the acrobatic and tumbling skills of the performers as the key feature.



Fusion of ballet and jazz techniques using motion to interpret music and express emotion.

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Thematic routine which may utilize multiple age groups, levels, styles, costumes, props, musical selections, etc.


Ballet / Pointe

Classical or contemporary ballet with traditional ballet technique.



Not listed here? Register as "open" and email us some details.

Age Categories

Dancers and teams are matched with other registrations within 1 year of their same average age. For example, a dancer age 10 could compete in a 9-10 year old category or in a 10-11 year old category. Age is determined by the date of the competition.

Overall awards are split into 3 age groups, depending on the registration at each event. 


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